Can I decorate my home?
Yes – we know the importance of personalising your home to suit your taste. However, please check with us first before painting or wallpapering the walls. You won’t be allowed to use textured coatings (such as artex), and boardings such as panelling or polystyrene tiles will need written permission from us. We do ask that you keep your home in reasonable decorative condition.
You may be offered vouchers for decorating your property. The amount offered is intended to be a contribution towards the cost of redecorating – it will not cover the whole cost of decorating. The decorating card will be sent to you after you’ve signed your tenancy agreement and must be spent on decorating materials and tools. This cannot be exchanged for money, and change will not be given for any shortfall in the amount you spend.
Can I make alterations or improvements to my home?
Any work you wish to undertake in the house, other than simple internal decoration, is classed as an alteration or improvement. We recognise that you may wish to personalise your home to suit your own tastes and requirements, and we are happy to permit certain alterations or improvements providing they are undertaken safely and do not adversely affect the condition of the property.
Tuntum has a legal responsibility to ensure its properties are safe, secure and in good condition. This legal responsibility extends to alterations undertaken by tenants, or leaseholders where Tuntum also hold a share in the ownership of the property. We are required to monitor, approve and inspect alteration or improvement works carried out in your home.
You must have written permission from us before you undertake any works to your home. You will need to complete an application form giving the details and timescales of the proposed work. The form must be signed by the tenant(s) and any neighbour(s) who will be directly affected by the planned change. We will assess your application, and if the proposed change is acceptable, we will issue written permission for the work.
Download: Guidance notes – alterations to your home
What if I have carried out works without permission?
In cases where you have already carried out alterations without permission, you may be asked to remove the alteration or reinstate the property to its previous condition. If we need check the quality of the alteration, or correct any aspect of the work that has been done, you will be charged for the repair.
Aids and adaptations
Aids and adaptations are pieces of equipment or special fixtures you might need to aid access to and mobility around your home. Examples might include specialist furniture, handrails, stairlifts, or shower fittings.
We aim to help residents maintain and enjoy their independence, privacy and dignity. Although generally we cannot fund any adaptations ourselves, we will signpost to relevant agencies for support and advice. Please contact us for permission before carrying out any works on your home.
Download: Aids and Adaptations Procedure – July 2019
Planned improvement works
We undertake planned improvement works each year to upgrade existing kitchens, bathrooms, heating systems, roof coverings, and external doors and windows. These works are planned based on information we collect on the lifespan of the elements that are installed, and surveys of their current condition.
If you feel that any of these elements of your home are in need of an upgrade, or if you have lived in your home for more than five years and have never had a Stock Condition Survey undertaken, please or call 0115 916 6066 and ask for the Asset Management Team.