Karibu House offers temporary accommodation for single men and women aged 18+ who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, including refugees.
There are 16 furnished rooms with en-suite shower room and toilet, spacious communal TV lounge, laundry room and communal kitchens. The building is secured and offers free WiFi.
Staff are on-site as follows:
- 9am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday
There is a night service from 10pm to 6am Monday to Sunday, and an out of hours emergency service.
Download: Specialist Housing Application Form 2019
Chanel’s Story
I came from a stable home and a happy family, but I was a very troubled teenager. I rebelled against everything – my parents, my school, my job. I began to hang around with the wrong sort of people, and do things I knew I shouldn’t be doing.
I moved to Karibu in 2003, and it was like I’d suddenly found solace and relief. It was a hard transition in the beginning, but once I was settled and I accepted Karibu’s support, things began to improve. Having regular sessions with my keyworker really helped me learn to differentiate between right and wrong, to draw boundaries, and to think about how I valued others. It was a long process of change, but with Karibu’s support I began to rebuild my relationship with my parents.
I moved out of Karibu in 2005 and have since held down my own tenancy. I studied and gained a number of qualifications in areas like Business, Law, and Drug Awareness and Counselling, and in 2016 I applied for a job with Tuntum’s Specialist Housing department. I was thrilled to get the position – I couldn’t wait to be part of the organisation that changed my life, and to give back to others going through similar situations to mine.