Tuntum sets out to achieve high standards of governance, accountability and probity, and as such we maintain rigorous internal control systems.
We are run by a Board of Directors, which meets at least 3 times per year. All our Board members are committed to the communities Tuntum serves, and they have a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience to draw on. They attend regular training to broaden their knowledge and ensure they stay up to date with current regulations.
The Board is responsible for:
- Setting the strategic direction of the organisation
- Establishing financial plans and monitoring financial health
- Managing and monitoring risk
- Taking an overview of performance
The committee structure supporting the Board is an Audit & Risk Committee, a People & Governance Committee and a Customer Experience Committee.
You can read more about roles and responsibilities of the Board and Committees in our Standing Orders (downloadable below), which include the Terms of Reference for each committee.

Danielle Oum, BA (Hons), MA. CHAIR
Elected 2024.
Member of the People & Governance Committee.
Danielle has a strong leadership background in strategic development, stakeholder engagement and transformational change spanning the public, private and voluntary sectors.
She is currently Chair of Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board, Chair of Aquarius Charity and a Board member of Fusion21. Danielle has previously held several NHS Trust Chair roles and has also served in Chair and Board member roles in a number of housing associations, most recently as Chair of Walsall Housing Group.

Kwabena Osayande, BA(Hons), MSc
Elected 2017.
Member of the People & Governance Committee.
Kwabena, born in Nottingham to Jamaican parents, has a MSc in Public Service Management from the University of Birmingham. Kwabena is a consultant, workshop facilitator and policy advisor, with over 15 years experience in policy development, EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion), and community economic development.

Ayyaz Ahmed, BA (Hons), FCIH, DMS, MBA
Elected 2018.
Member of the Customer Experience Committee and Safeguarding Lead for the Board.
Ayyaz is a qualified housing and care professional with over 25 years of experience with substantial organisations including Extracare Charitable Trust and bpha. His track record incorporates older people services, care and supported housing operations; business improvement; regulatory compliance and overseeing commercial growth. Ayyaz is used to operating at a strategic leadership level and has worked with commissioners, the Department of Health and the Ministry of Justice.

Chris Jones, HNC, FD
Elected 2017.
Chair of the Customer Experience Committee and Member Responsible for Complaints (MRC)
Chris is Executive Director of Development at East Midlands Housing Group where he also manages the group’s Strategic Partnership with Homes England. He has extensive skills in the areas of property development and sales, strategic partnerships, organisational development, business transformation and leadership. He has over 20 years experience in both the private and public sectors.

Nick Murphy, BSc (Hons), MA: - VICE CHAIR
Elected 2022.
Chair of the People & Governance Committee
Nick is a Nottingham resident with extensive experience in housing policy and practice. As a former Chief Executive he has led the development of award winning services which have improved tenants’ homes, including transformational regeneration and new build programmes, with a strong focus on resident engagement. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Housing where he sits on their national Policy Advisory Committee. Originally from South London, Nick has a passion for supporting communities to tackle disadvantage.

Olu Oloruntuyi, FCCA, DMS
Elected 2022.
Member of the Audit & Risk Committee.
Olu is a corporate finance professional with over 20 years of experience within the Housing sector. A Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA), her experience includes corporate funding strategy and implementation, treasury, and business planning. She has also worked on strategic matters including mergers, acquisitions. She is key member of Thrive’s senior management team as Assistant Director Treasury and prior to this spent 3 years as the Group Treasurer at VIVID Homes, with over 32,000 homes and a debt portfolio of £1.3bn. Her track record includes working with G15 HA’s and other medium sized HA’s heading the treasury and business planning team.

Janet Glass, BA (Hons)
Elected 2022.
Member of the Customer Experience Committee.
Janet is the Service Manager Performance for Sheffield City Council. She has over 25 years of wide-ranging housing experience, operating at a senior management level in the ALMO and local authority sector for the past 14 years.

Louisa Matthews, LLB (Hons), MSc, MBA
Elected 2023.
Member of the People & Governance Committee.
Louisa is a qualified legal professional and experienced non-executive. She has held a 20-year career in professional advisory and healthcare consulting where she has worked to achieve a step change in system thinking that can deliver sustainable and impactful change in healthcare outcomes. She is currently Trustee with charity Nottingham Women’s Centre (since 2021) who provide support services to vulnerable women across varied communities

Julian Beaney, BA (Hons), MSc
Elected 2023.
Member of the Audit & Risk Committee.
Julian is a housing professional with over 30 years’ experience across a range of small and large organisations where he has gained skills in risk management, consumer regulation, housing and tenancy management, sustainability, data strategy, customer insight and experience, and business improvement. Julian has held his current role with Orbit Group since April 2012, he is a member of the Senior Leadership Team, Customer, Communities & Corporate Services Management Teams, and Orbit HA Board. He is responsible for the Environmental Sustainability function, Policy and Standards function (including consumer regulation assurance) and the Data and Analytics function.

Tania Stevenson
Elected 2024.
Tenant Board Member and Member of the Customer Experience Committee.

Sam Webster, BA (Hons)
Elected 2024.
Member of the Audit & Risk Committee.
Sam is an experienced non-executive director currently serving on the boards of the National Ice Centre, Co-operatives UK and NCH Group. He is a former Nottingham City Councilor, former Chair of the Nottingham Health and Wellbeing Board and he is also currently serving in an elected position as Vice President for Business Strategy at the Co-op Group. Sam has wide-ranging experience in the housing, health and skills sectors.

Fiona Bebbington, LLB (Hons), MA.
Elected 2024.
Member of the Audit & Risk Committee.
Fiona is an authentic and inclusive leader and mentor, known for her genuineness and commitment to collaboration. With extensive expertise in business improvement and transformation, she has delivered impactful results across social housing and local and regional government sectors. Her strengths lie in strategic planning, performance improvement and stakeholder management. Originally from Derby and now back in the East Midlands, Fiona is deeply passionate about empowering communities to thrive, fostering pride, and building a strong sense of belonging.