Tuntum residents and staff working together for a better service.
The Resident Scrutiny Event in February brought a breath of fresh air to resident involvement practices. The scrutiny event combined open, honest and transparent presentations from staff, with opportunities for great resident insight and considered suggestions.
Repairs Communications
The topic for discussion was chosen by Magnify, based on resident feedback and available performance data. They chose to focus on communications around the repairs appointment process. The communication journey for residents about repairs has been a constant sore point for residents, including things like ‘not being able to get through to report a repair’, ‘not being told when an operative is running late or the appointment has been cancelled’ and ‘not being updated on the progress of a repair’. All these points and more formed the basis of discussions at the Resident Scrutiny Event. Staff and residents were able to co-create recommendations that would address these concerns and more. At the end of the day eight recommendations were agreed by staff and residents. These recommendations will be published, to help ensure that Tuntum is accountable and residents know that their voices are heard and acted upon. They will be refined, implemented and monitored over the next 12 months by Magnify.
Get Involved New Resident Scrutiny Events are being planned for later this year and early 2021. Resident Scrutiny Events take place in one day, if you would like to take part in one of these events or if you want to take a more active involved role in how Tuntum provides its services, you could join Magnify. To find out more, please visit our website to find out how to get involved: https://tuntum.co.uk/ im-a-tuntum-resident/get-involved/magnify/
The Magnify Action Plan has been approved, click on the link to see it.