We understand that there are many pressures on household incomes, but payment of your rent should always be the first priority so that you can enjoy a safe and secure home.
When you signed your tenancy agreement, you agreed to pay your rent to Tuntum every week. All rent is due in advance for the week ahead.
This is especially important if you claim Universal Credit, as welfare benefits will be paid directly to you (in arrears) and you will have to manage your own rent payments.
As well as offering well maintained homes, Tuntum offers a range of high quality services such as repairs, home improvements and support for community initiatives. The provision of these services costs money, and we use our rental income to fund them. This is why it is important that your rent is paid regularly and on time.
There are 9 easy ways to pay your rent – for more information, click here.
We’ve recently updated our phone system to make it easier for you to pay rent over the phone. Call 0115 916 6066 and select option 3.