This year, Tuntum are taking part in the National Scrutiny Week. The week is being coordinated by Tpas. As members of Tpas we can join all the virtual events as part of the week for free.
It’s a chance for us to celebrate the impact of our scrutiny work and learn about how other organisations work in partnership with their tenants too.
At Tuntum, we have a fantastic group of volunteer residents who form our scrutiny group called ‘Magnify’. You can find out about their latest work by clicking here. If you are interested in becoming one of the panel then please do complete the contact form.
Highlights during the National Scrutiny Week include a No-Nonsense guide to scrutiny and Scrutiny Top Tips workshops. Plus there will be live tenant discussions and showcase sessions.
We’d love for you to get involved and show how things are done differently here at
Tuntum Housing Association.
If you would like to sign up for any of the free webinars listed below then please email our Customer Excellence Leader,, and she will book your place.
Monday, September 27th
We kick off the week at 10.30am – 10.45am with our Live Scrutiny Launch Event which will be streamed on YouTube.
You’ll hear from hear from Tpas chief executive Jenny Osbourne as she opens Scrutiny Week, and highlights some of the fab the activities and events you can get involved in
Following this at 11.30am – 12.15pm, we invite you to our Say What Session where our speakers outline what scrutiny means to them and why it matters more now than ever.
During our afternoon session 1.30pm – 3.00pm we focus on recruitment at our “Fishbowl” where different organisations will share with you their approaches to successful scrutiny recruitment.
Tuesday, September 28th
We dedicate this day to all those fab people involved in making scrutiny happen.
At 1.30pm-3pm you’ll hear from Positive About Inclusion in their Great Minds Think Alike? Workshop
This interactive session is all about diversity in scrutiny. The workshop will explore the concept of diversity and the common saying of ‘great minds think alike’ and ask if that is something we should celebrate in the context of scrutiny or does effective scrutiny need the challenge that different views and perspectives brings they look at what can be done to improve the diversity of scrutiny panels, and how the power of difference should be embraced.
The final session of the day is our Open Space session at 6pm – 7pm and is just for tenants/residents/customers involved in scrutiny. This informal session gives you the chance to share experiences, discuss the realities of being a tenant scrutineer and offer help and support to each other.
Wednesday, September 29th
The day kicks off at 10.30am – 12.00pm with our No Nonsense Guide to Scrutiny Workshop, perfect for those new to scrutiny or looking for a quick refresh
We then invite you step outside your usual scrutiny confines and check out how scrutiny happens in other sectors.
This session, Scrutiny beyond Housing at 2pm – 3.30pm invites speakers from health, policing and local government, to share with you how scrutiny works there and explores what good practice we could bring over to Housing.
Thursday, September 30th
This is Knowledge Day – whether it’s getting it, sharing it, or using it effectively, we have you covered today.
At 11am – 12pm is our Digital Scrutiny Workshop where you’ll be looking at where digital scrutiny is at, who’s doing it and if it’s working?
The afternoon session starts at 1.30pm – 2.30pm with Scrutiny geek Dr Dave McKenna sharing with you his own Scrutiny Success Top Tips. There’ll also be time for you to throw in your own ideas and suggestions too!
Friday, October 1st
The last day of #Scrutinyweek is dedicated to the impact of scrutiny, as we run our Scrutiny Showcase Reel from 10am onwards. You’ll hear from tenants and organisations showing how scrutiny has positively impacted on key service areas such as Complaints, ASB, and Repairs.
The week closes at 2pm with the launch of our brand new Online National Scrutiny Club exclusively for Tpas tenants/residents/customers members, and then we’ll wrap up with a quick look back of the weeks highlights and takeaways. The closing session will be live streamed on YouTube.