Have you registered to vote?

Date published: 15th April 2024

The Electoral Commission have reported that, around 44 million people are estimated to be eligible to vote at this year’s May elections in England and Wales. Yet as many as seven million people are either incorrectly registered or missing from the register entirely. 

This is more than the combined adult population of Scotland and Wales, and would be equivalent in number to more than 100 UK Parliament constituencies.

Their research shows that young people, students and those who have recently moved are least likely groups to be registered. Registering just isn’t on the top of peoples’ to do list when they’ve just moved house or started their student life. 

The deadline to register is midnight on Tuesday 16th April. You can register to vote on the gov.uk website.

If you are unsure if you are already registered to vote, you can check this by finding your local Electoral Registration Office

It is important to note that in order to vote, you will need to take identification with you. The list of acceptable forms of identification is available on The Electoral Commission Office’s website.

If you don’t have a form of identification, you can apply for free voter ID through The Electoral Commission.

This year, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire voters will go to the polls in a historic election to choose an East Midlands mayor. You can read more about how this has come about and what this means for the region on the following websites:

East Midlands Combined County Authority

BBC News: Why is the East Midlands electing a mayor?