We have been awarded £92,933 from the Lottery Coronavirus Community Support Fund to deliver the Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Happy project.
The project will deliver a range of vital and additional support services to older Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people living in our sheltered accommodation and our social housing properties throughout Nottingham. It will enable them to manage increased anxiety, depression and other mental health problems associated with the pandemic, stay physically active, connect with friends, family and the community and improve their health and wellbeing. All the support will be delivered online, by telephone and face-to-face COVID-secure environments here possible.
We will be working in partnership with the Radford Care Group, Willows Day Service, Albany House Day Service, and Ukrainian Day Centre.
More information will be published here on our website and on our social media pages facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TuntumHA/ and twitter: https://twitter.com/TuntumHA