Stay Alert

We can all help control the virus if we all stay alert. This means you must:

  • stay at home as much as possible
  • work from home if you can
  • limit contact with other people
  • keep your distance if you go out (2 metres apart where possible)
  • wash your hands regularly

Do not leave home if you or anyone in your household has symptoms.

Check here what you can and cannot do at the moment: 

About Self-Isolation

The government has stated that anybody exhibiting the early symptoms such as a fever or cough should isolate themselves for between 7 to 14 days. 

If you are self-isolating and request a service, which may require a visit from our staff such as an emergency repair request, then we ask you please to be honest with our staff about your health condition when they contact you. This is just in case we need to put in place any special measures as necessary.

Also, if you are self-isolating and as a result you are facing hardship, then please feel free to get in touch with us and we’ll do what we can to assist you in these circumstances.

This chart and other information on the pandemic can be found on the BBC website:

Government website with all the information you need on self-isolation: